Research projects (competitive calls)
- LLM – Living Lab Milano, Italian Recovery Plan Funding (PNRR) “Mobility as a Service for Italy”, NextGenerationEU, 2024-2026, coordinator for POLIMI of tasks on V2X connectivity for cooperative ADAS.
- EU-HORIZON SMARTTEST, Resilient Remote Healthcare using Intelligent Sensing and Communication Technologies, HORIZON Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), 2024-2026, POLIMI unit Principal Investigator.
- EU-HORIZON INCODE, Programming Platform for Intelligent Collaborative Deployments over Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Environments, Horizone Europe (HORIZON), 2023-2025, participant.
- EU-HORIZON TRUSTroke, Trustworthy AI for Improvement of Stroke Outcomes, Horizon Europe (HORIZON), 2023-2027, POLIMI unit Principal Investigator.
- MOST, Centro Nazionale per la MObilità SosTenibile National Center for Sustainable Mobility (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile), Italian Recovery Plan Funding (PNRR), NextGenerationEU, 2023-2025.
- ESA HYPER 5G, “HYbrid Positioning Engine Running on 5G and GNSS”, 2022-2024, European Space Agency, with G-Red and Algowatt, and with the support of Vodafone. Principal Investigator for POLIMI unit.
- BASE 5G, “Broadband InterfAces and services for Smart Environments enabled by 5G technologies“, 2020-2022, European Regional Development Funding for the Lombardy Region, POR-FESR 2014-2020, with Vodafone, AKKA, LIFE, ANOTHEREALITY, YAPE. Coordinator of DIG activities in the WP “Smart Mobility and Vehicles”.
- Total Efficiency 4.0, 2017-2019, European Regional Development Funding for the Lombardy Region, POR-FESR 2014-2020, with Pirelli and TELCO. Coordinator of the activity on real-time localization in smart factory.
- MIE, “Mobilità Intelligente Ecosostenibile”, 2014-2018, Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale #CTN01_00034_594122, “Tecnologie per le Smart Communities”. Coordinator for POLIMI activities in work package OR1 “Acquisizione informazioni da fonti eterogenee”, leader for task 1030.02 “Individuazione e caratterizzazione delle sorgenti dati”.
- EU-FP7 DIWINE, 2013-2016, “Dense cooperative WIreless NEtwork”, ICT-2011-8-318177. Co-leader for work package WP3 “Cloud Network Processing”, leader for task T3.1 “Distributed channel and system state identification”.
- EU-ICT-COST Action IC1004, 2011-2015, “Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Participant.
- EU-FP7 NEWCOM++, 2008-2011, “Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications”, EU Project #IST-216715. POLIMI unit Principal Investigator. Leader for task TB4 “Positioning in MIMO and Cooperative Wireless Communications” of work package WPR.B “Localization and Positioning Techniques”.
- MIUR-FIRB INSYEME, 2007-2010, “Integrated System for Emergency”. Leader for WP2 “Communication Infrastructure” subtasks 1.2, 1.6, 2.3.
- EU-ICT-COST Action 2100, 2007-2010, “Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications”, European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research. Participant.
- EU-FP6 NEWCOM, 2004-2007, “Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications”, EU Project #IST-2002-507525. Leader of POLIMI subtasks in WPR1 “Analysis and design of algorithms for signal processing at large in wireless systems”.
- MIUR-FIRB VICOM, 2002-2006, “Virtual Immersive COMmunication”. Leader of POLIMI subtasks on radio-localization in workpackage WP.3 “Tecnologie trasmissive e di accesso per piattaforme VICom”.
- Giovani Ricercatori Politecnico di Milano, 2002-2003, “Advanced signal processing for 3G mobile systems”. Principal Investigator.
- EU-ICT-COST Action 273, 2001-2005, “Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks”, European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, Participant.
Industrial cooperations
- Movyon / Autostrade per l’Italia, “Localizzazione Veicolare in Infrastrutture Smart Road per il Supporto alla Guida Autonoma,” 2023-2025, PI.
- Vodafone, “Synchronization in 5G cellular networks”, 2023-2024, PI.
- VHIT, “Commercial and technological trends of smart connected components in the automotive sector”, 2023-2024, PI.
- Movyon / Autostrade per l’Italia, “Localizzazione veicolare in infrastrutture Smart Road,” 2022-2023, PI.
- Movyon / Autostrade per l’Italia, “Test sperimentali sulle tecnologie per le comunicazioni veicolari”, 2022, PI.
- Tracking4Fun, “Tecnologie UWB per la localizzazione e il tracciamento ad elevata precisione”, 2021-2022, PI.
- Movyon / Autostrade per l’Italia, “Smart mobility: Servizi e tecnologie abilitanti per l’operatore di infrastruttura,” 2021-2022, PI.
- Huawei, “SAR Techniques for Automotive Applications: Development and Consolidation” 2020-2021, PI for the sub-contract “Research Activity on Navigation sensors and data processing”, POLIMI-HUAWEI mm-wave Joint Lab.
- Huawei, “5G NR FR1/FR2 V2X Communications”, 2020-2021, PI for the subcontract “Sensor-Assisted V2X Communication Links Design”, POLIMI-HUAWEI mm-wave Joint Lab.
- Tracking4Fun, “Analisi e ottimizzazione di sistema di localizzazione UWB per applicazioni sportive”, 2020, PI.
- Connected Car & Mobility Observatory, 2019-, School of Management, Politecnico di Milano: Senior Advisor.
- Huawei, “SAR imaging for automotive applications”, 2019-2020, PI for the sub-contract “Research activity on navigation: SAR imaging for automotive applications”, POLIMI-HUAWEI mmwave Joint Lab.
- Join Lab Mobilità urbana elettrica, autonoma e connessa, 2018-2019. Coordinator of POLIMI activities on V2X connectivity.
- Huawei, 2017-2018, “Advanced signal processing for distributed antenna systems in B5G Communications”. Coordinator of the activity on mmWave channel estimation.
- Ansaldo STS, 2012, “Wireless network protocols for control of railway systems: feasibility study”. Principal Investigator.
- Joint Research Center for Transportation, “Signaling in railway systems”, 2010-2011, with RFI, Ansaldo, Bombardier, Sirti. Participant.
- Nokia Siemens Networks, 2008-2009, “Advanced receivers for GSM/EDGE systems with orthogonal subchannel feature”. Principal Investigator.
- Siemens M.C., 2006-2007 “Multiple antenna systems for IEEE 802.16e multi-cell systems”. Technical coordinator.
- Siemens M.C., 2004-2005, “Array processing techniques for WMAN systems based on IEEE 802.16 standard”. Coordinator of the task on PHY layer of multi-antenna WiMAX OFDM systems.
- Siemens M.C., 2003, “TDD for UMTS Test System – TUTSY”.
- Siemens I.C.N., 2000-2002, “Space-time processing techniques for multiple antenna receivers in CDMA systems”.
- Italtel, 1998-2000, “Channel estimation in 2G-3G mobile systems”.
- ENI-Agip, 1997-1999, “Seismic monitoring for energy reservoir discovery”.